Steps in the Assessment Appeals Process

Stage DescriptionGeneral Timeline
1Property owner files the Assessment Appeal ApplicationIn accordance with legal requirements for type of appeal being filed 
Clerk of the Board assigns an appeal numberAs soon as possible after receipt of application 
Clerk of the Board reviews the application and sends the applicant a letter either: Verifying that the application is complete and ready to be scheduled for hearing, or Requesting additional information required to complete the application review process, or Denying the application Within 12 months of filing 
4Clerk of the Board sends notice of scheduled hearing At least 45 days prior to hearing 
Hearing is conducted and decision is rendered by Appeals Board or Hearing Officer Within 24 months of filing if not continued or postponed
After hearing, the Assessor’s office processes any necessary roll corrections.  If the applicant is due a refund, the Auditor’s office sends a claim form to the taxpayer.  Once the taxpayer returns the claim form, the refund is sent to the taxpayer. Timeline for the entire process may vary, please refer to Tax Collector for any questions